Our great pyrenees puppy is 6 months old today. Rumor is he's actually going to keep getting bigger although he's already more than a match for the coyotes that occasionally come scavenging from the nearby canyon. One morning we woke up and Kodi was sniffing and growling at the second floor balcony door. When we opened the bedroom door to let him downstairs he barreled down the stairs and started hurling himself against the sliding glass door to the backyard like we had never seen. For some reason that "gotta go, gotta go right now" commercial was playing in my head as we let him out but doing his morning business was not what Kodi was after. There was a coyote on the hill behind our house, and Kodi was charging after it, growling, snarling, jumping over a retaining wall we had no idea he could jump. We were such proud parents watching a coyote flee from our 6 month puppy with its tail between its legs.